Tuesday, October 12, 2010

NYCC 2010 ~!!!

The New York Comic Con of 2010 is now over and I'm just recovering~! PHEW, what a weekend~!! Some say it wasn't the best con so far, but it was a blast for me~!! My weekend was jam packed with SUCCESS~!!!

1st off, this was the 1st time I was at the con as an EXHIBITOR in the Artist Alley~! I was along side my friends and fellow members of G511 The Art Of Story Tellers ~!!! The other great thing that happened was that I got to meet and talk with comic book legend Jim Steranko ~!! He gave me and my friend some great words of wisdom, most notably his advice stating -
      as an artist, get used to "living off of Cheerios" and don't get bogged down with the details when doing a comic book. Instead, focus on telling the story. Draw constantly and everyday. Through this repetition, details and fundamentals will easily flow out of you -
That was awesome advice. He was a very energetic and nice guy overall. I even got a poster signed by him (top image)~!
I also got graff legend Cope to tag a flyer at the con. I dunno what it is, but we bump into each other a lot. Maybe it's because we're in NY? 
As a comic con attendee, I was totally geeking out all over the place and I hopped from booth to booth. They were all pretty fun this year. Even the Wii booth was fun :p Although I didn't enjoy Marvel VS Capcom 3. It's ... boring. Sorry, I'm not a MVC fan. At all. Anyway, the MegaMan game was FREAKIN AWESOME~!!!! More on that in the next post.
As a comic con exhibitor, I'm happy with the exposure and interest people had with my work and G511 as a group. It felt good to know that total strangers that haven't even heard of me likes my work. It was inspiring, and gives me more strength to achieve my goals. The above image is one of a few sketches I did at the con. It was sold, but I was able to snap a picture of it.

So yea, the con was awesome and I hope next will be as good or even better~!!! Thanks to all of those who visited me and my friends~!!!

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